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Special Collections

Alchevskyi Family Papers

Oleksii Alchevskyi (1835-1901) owned the Kharkiv Southern Russia Commercial Bank and financed a number of coal-mining and metallurgical firms in the Donbas. His wife Khrystyna (1841-1920) was a pedagogue and educator of adults. The papers include two documents: 1) an act dated May 29, 1902, confirming the sale of the Alchevskyi family property in Kharkiv to N.P. Shabelskii; 2) an act dated May 30, 1902, regarding the preservation of the commemorative bust of Taras Shevchenko sculpted by Vladimir Beklemishev for the Alchevskyi family in Kharkiv.
Scope: 1902
Size: 2 documents

Harvard Library Link


This autograph collection consists of letters and postcards written by Ukrainian scholars and cultural figures, including Serhii Iefremov, Nataliia Kobryns’ka, Bohdan Lepkyi, and stepan Smal-Stockyj, among others. Much of the material appears to have been collected by Denys Luk’ianovych.
Scope: 1946
Size: 24 documents

Harvard Library Link

Bazhanskyi Papers

Mykhailo Bazhanskyi (1910-1994) was a journalist, editor and writer, a prominent leader in the Ukrainian community of the United States, where he immigrated after the Second World War. Throughout his life he served on various editorial boards, published several journals and books, and contributed numerous articles to Ukrainian periodicals devoted to the study of literature, culture, and scouting. The papers include correspondence, manuscripts, typescripts, clippings, and other material related to his publication activities. In addition, there are fliers, brochures, and newsletters from the various Ukrainian organizations with which he was involved. Much of the material relates to Plast, the Ukrainian community in Detroit, and to his involvement with the Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute.
Scope: 1920-1990
Size: 56 linear ft., 74 boxes

Harvard Library Link

Berchtesgaden (Orlyk) DP Camp Records

Following the Second World War, Ukrainian refugees numbering about 200,000 were interned in Displaced persons camps in West Germany and Austria. Berchtesgaden (Orlyk) was one of the larger Ukrainian DP camps in the American zone with over 2,000 refugees settled there in the late 1940s. The Berchtesgaden (Orlyk) DP camp operated a gymnasium, and sponsored political, youth, student, sport, musical and theater groups and organizations. The collection consists primarily of correspondence, minutes, financial records, diplomas, and membership lists of the camp's sports club. In addition there are some documents relating to the camp's Ukrainian gymnasium and its branch of the scouting organization Plast. The collection also includes circulars, reports, and other communications received from the Ukrainian Sports Club "Orlyk", a member of the Ukrainian Council for Physical Culture, and the Ukrainian Sports Club "Zaporizhzhia" in the Aschaffenburg DP camp.
Scope: 1945-1951
Size: 5 linear in., 1 box

Harvard Library Link

Bilohrud Papers

Ihor Bilohrud, born in Romny, Ukraine, was a Ukrainian composer who spent the majority of his life composing, playing, and teaching music in the United States. In Ukraine, Bilohrud studied music at the Kiev Conservatory of Music. During the Second World War, Bilohrud and his family left Ukraine for Mannheim, Germany, where they lived in a displaced persons’ camp. He studied advanced composition at the Mannheim Conservatory, and moved to Chicago, Illinois in 1949. In November of 2013, at the 100th anniversary celebration of the Kiev Conservatory, Bilohrud was recognized for his work in building a foundation for the development of Ukrainian music in North America. The papers contain biographical materials, correspondence, musical works, concert programs, newspaper clippings, and photographs.
Scope: 1932-1992
Size: 2 linear ft., 2 boxes

Harvard Library Link

Bratush Papers

Dmytro Bratush left Ukraine in 1910 for the United States, where he settled in Rochester, New York. He actively participated in both American and Ukrainian political and social life. The papers include correspondence from Ukrainian civic, community, and political leaders, as well as some correspondence from family members. The collection primarily contains correspondence and newsletters sent to Bratush spanning the period that coincides with the inception in 1920 and dissolution in 1947 of Defense of Ukraine. Defense of Ukraine was established in the United States in the early 1920's to assist the political and military struggles for independence in Western Ukraine.
Scope: 1921-1948
Size: 5 linear in., 1 box

Harvard Library Link

Butovych Illustrations

Graphic artist and illustrator, Mykola Butovych was born in the Poltava region. In the 1920s he studied in Prague, Berlin, and Leipzig. Butovych worked in Lviv, Western Europe, and, from 1947, in the United States. His work is based on themes from Ukrainian folklore and mythology. The illustrations are a series of ink and watercolor illustrations of Ukrainian Cossacks of various ranks.
Size: 1 folder, 10 illustrations

Harvard Library Link

Chuchman Collection

The Chuchman collection consists of paper currency issued by the government of the Ukrainian state from 1918 to 1920. The notes include state credit notes worth 10, 25, 50, 100, 250, and 1000 karbovantsi; state credit notes worth 2, 10, and 100 hryvni; and State Treasury loan bonds worth 100, 200, and 1,000 hryvni.
Scope: 1918-1920
Size: 16 items

Harvard Library Link

Chyz Papers

Yaroslav Ilkovych Chyz (1894-1958) served as a non-commissioned officer and lieutenant with the Austrian Army during the First World War. After the Revolution of 1917, Chyz helped organize the Sich Riflemen and in 1919 served as a political officer on the staff of its Siege Corps. In 1921 he joined the Ukrainian Military Organization formed to overthrow Polish rule over the Western Ukraine. Chyz obtained political asylum in Czechoslovakia and graduated from Charles University. After immigrating to the United States, Chyz was editor-in-chief of Narodna volya, and served as associate director of the Common Council for American Unity. In 1956 he was one of the organizers and then the executive director of the Nationalities Committee of the President's People-to-People Program. The Chyz Papers contain personal documents, publications, telegrams, and photographs. The papers provide insights into events related to the abdication of Tsar Nicholas II in early 1917. The bulk of the collection consists of telegrams that were recorded by Chyz from March 1917 to March 1918, when he was a lieutenant in the radio-intelligence corps of the Austrian Army. The rest of the collection reveals Chyz's active involvement in the press, organizations, and cultural and civic affairs of American nationality groups.
Scope: 1912-1983
Size: 1.5 linear ft., 3 boxes

Harvard Library Link

Conference on Ukrainian Economics Records

The Ukrainian Research Institute, Harvard University, and the Department of Economics, Temple University, organized a series of four conferences on the Ukrainian economy from 1975 to 1991. The first conference was devoted to an analysis of current conditions in the Ukrainian economy. The subject of the second conference was the development of economics in Ukraine. The third conference dealt with the history of the Ukrainian economy from the time of Kyivan Rus to the outbreak of World War I. The fourth conference focused on the Ukrainian economy since the early 1970s to projections of economic trends for the beginning of the twenty-first century. The records include correspondence with conference sponsors and participants, editorial correspondence regarding the publication of conference proceedings, and financial documents.
Scope: 1974-1991
Size: 1 linear ft., 1 box

Harvard Library Link