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The Ukrainian Studies Fund's Holodomor Series

The Holodomor Series reprints important out-of-print or hard-to-find studies on the Great Famine of 1932-33 in Ukraine. Each booklet offers a general introduction and specialized study on a selected topic. The Ukrainian Studies Fund, the public charity that has endowed chairs in Ukrainian history, literature, and linguistics at Harvard University as well as many of the activities of the Ukrainian Research Institute, is issuing this series in order to help increase public awareness and understanding of this twentieth century tragedy. For information on purchasing selections from the series or on obtaining review copies for faculty teaching Soviet or East European history, please send your request to (reference Ukrainian Studies Fund Holodomor Series).

From Kievan Rus' to Modern Ukraine: The Formation of the Ukrainian Nation

In the articles "The Traditional Scheme of 'Russian' History and the Problem of a Rational Organization of the History of the Eastern Slavs" by the great Ukrainian historian Myxajlo Hrushevs'kij and in "Ukraine and the Dialectics of Nation-Building" by Omeljan Pritsak and John Reshetar, the historical dimension of the question of Ukrainian national identity is addressed. These articles challenge the traditional Russian nationalist historiographic practice of using "Russia" as a designation for states and cultures as diverse as tenth-century Kievan Rus' and the twentieth-century Soviet Union. Introduction by James Cracraft.

40 pp. ISBN 0-9609822-2-1 (pamphlet) (HURI) $1.00

The Catacomb Ukrainian Catholic Church and Pope John Paul II

Ivan Hvat

This booklet contains an article by Ivan Hvat, a number of documents from Ukrainian Catholics in the USSR, and the letter of John Paul II calling for the celebration of the Ukrainian Millennium. In his article "The Ukrainian Catholic Church, the Vatican and the Soviet Union during the Pontificate of Pope John Paul II," Ivan Hvat analyzes the stimulating effects of John Paul II's pontificate on Ukrainian Catholics in the USSR and the Soviet propaganda campaign against the pope. The documents provide a detailed picture of the struggle of Ukrainian Catholics for religious freedom in the Soviet Union.

30 pp. ISBN 0-9609822-5-6 (pamphlet) (HURI) $1.00

Byzantine Roots of Ukrainian Christianity

Ihor Sevcenko

Under the Byzantine Christian influence, Kyivan Rus' flourished spiritually and culturally, producing important contributions to art, literature, and architecture in a short time. The two articles presented here, "The Christianization of Kievan Rus'" and "Byzantine Elements in Early Ukrainian Culture," explore the historical circumstances and impact of the conversion of Rus' and describe the position of Kyivan Rus' among Christian nations in the tenth century.

26 pp. ISBN 0-9609822-4-8 (pamphlet) (HURI) $1.00

The Many Worlds of Peter Mohyla

Ihor Sevcenko

In the seventeenth century, Ukrainian Orthodox learning and institutions made Kyiv an intellectual center of the Orthodox world. The second quarter of that century has often been called the age of Mohyla, in honor of Peter Mohyla, who devoted himself to the revival and reform of Orthodoxy in the metropolitan see of Kyiv. No aspect of ecclesiastical or cultural life remained untouched by this churchman, but his greatest achievement was the establishment of the Kyiv Collegian (later Academy) that bore his name. In 1984, to commemorate the 350th anniversary of the founding of the Kyiv Mohyla Academy, Harvard Ukrainian Studies published a special issue devoted to the school and its founder. The included article is from that issue; in the article, Professor Sevcenko demonstrates how Eastern and Western Christianity; the Latin, Greek, Slavonic, Ruthenian, and Polish literary traditions; and Romanian, Ukrainian, and Polish cultures all met in the person of the great metropolitan and in the Kyiv of his time.

44 pp. ISBN 0-9609822-7-2 (pamphlet) (HURI) $1.00