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Political Communities and Gendered Ideologies in Contemporary Ukraine (The Petryshyn Memorial Lecture, Harvard University, 26 April 1994)

Martha Bohachevsky-Chomiak

In this inaugural Vasyl and Maria Petryshyn Memorial Lecture, esteemed author Martha Bohachevsky-Chomiak (Feminists Despite Themselves) views the contemporary political landscape in post-independence Ukraine from the point of view of Ukraine's history of self-help organizations, their programs, the question of gendered roles and views there, and finally the problem that Ukraine has had in gauging social reality when programmatic utopianism confronts economic and political forces outside organizational programs. Many of her observations are clearly prescient and retain their clarity and importance for contemporary thinkers on Ukraine.

25 pp. ISBN 0-916458-72-5 (booklet) (Out of print) $5.50.

Lviv: A City in the Crosscurrents of Culture

Edited by John Czaplicka

Czaplicka presents a collection of essays by scholars from a wide range of disciplines: historiography, architecture, literary history and criticism, urban planning, and cultural history. Several of the essays were presented as papers at a conference jointly sponsored by the Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies and the Ukrainian Research Institute at Harvard University. Others are invited papers, reflecting the diversity of cultures that come together in this vibrant city, known variously over the centuries as Leopolis, Lwów, Lvov, and Lemberg. At times violent, always passionate, these confluences of cultures have shaped a city that now stands at a most strategic location between East and West.

362 pp., illustrations, softcover, ISBN 978-0-916458-97-3 (HUP/CZALVI) $39.95.

The Great Soviet Peasant War. Bolsheviks and Peasants, 1917-33

Andrea Graziosi

In this challenging reinterpretation of the Soviet Bolsheviks' policies tow ard the peasantry in the pre-WWII period, Professor Graziosi posits the struggle between the peasantry and the Soviet authorities as the single most important factor in the Soviet Union during this period. He further analyzes the conflict using the metaphors of a military campaign (based on the actual thinking and pronouncements of Bolshevik leaders of the time) to show that the Soviet confrontation with the peasantry was perhaps the greatest peasant conflict in European history. This study will prove of interest to all students of European history and specifically those interested in Eastern Europe, Soviet history, and the East European peasantry.

87 pp. softcover, ISBN 0-916458-83-0. LC98-147548 (Out of print) $5.50.

Trophies of War and Empire: The Archival Heritage of Ukraine; World War II; and the International Politics of Restitution

Patricia Kennedy Grimsted, foreword by Charles Kecskémeti

The collapse of the Soviet Union and the fiftieth anniversary of the end of World War II have brought attention to the displaced cultural and archival heritage of many nations. The situation of Ukraine provides a striking example of the many international problems involved in questions of restitution. Patricia Kennedy Grimsted considers (among many topics) the problems of defining the archival heritage of Ukraine vis-a-vis Russia; international precedents for post-imperial archival devolutions and postwar restitution; intentional Soviet archival destruction in 1941; the Ukrainian component of Soviet library and archival trophies in Moscow and Kyiv; Russia's bitterly disputed 1998 law nationalizing cultural trophies; pending issues regarding cultural treasures (especially libraries and archives) between Poland and Ukraine; recent international negotiations regarding displaced cultural treasures; and post-1991 Ukrainian restitution policies. Containing significant new revelations about cultural treasures previously thought lost, Trophies of War and Empire will be of interest to all those studying the contemporary rebuilding of cultural and intellectual institutions in Eastern Europe, historians of Ukraine and Eastern Europe, and specialists on the retrieval of assets lost to the Nazis or Communist regimes.

"Patricia Grimsted's Trophies of War and Empire is a tour-de-force of scholarship…Her narrative is full of revelations about the unsolved mysteries of wartime looting and her exhaustive documentation, footnotes, and bibliography are an essential resource for all those with an interest in provenance research and restitution."--Lynn H. Nicholas, author of The Rape of Europa: The Fate of Europe's Treasures in the Third Reich and the Second World War.

Patricia Kennedy Grimsted is a Senior Research Associate at the Ukrainian Research Institute at Harvard University and coordinator of ArcheoBiblioBase, an archival directory database in Ukraine and Russia.

Charles Kecskémeti is Secretary-General Emeritus of the International Council on Archives.

798 pp. softcover, ISBN 0-916458-76-8 (HUP/GRITRO) $19.95.

Hunger by Design: The Great Ukrainian Famine and Its Soviet Context

Edited by Halyna Hryn

The years 2002–2003 marked the seventieth anniversary of the man-made famine inflicted on Ukraine and surrounding areas by Stalin's Soviet leadership. The Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute commemorated the anniversary with a symposium in October 2003 titled "The Ukrainian Terror-Famine of 1932–1933: Revisiting the Issues and the Scholarship Twenty Years after the HURI Famine Project." This volume contains some of the papers presented at the symposium (previously published in Harvard Ukrainian Studies volume 25, no. 3/4), including Sergei Maksudov's large-scale demographic study drawing on available documents of the era; Niccolò Pianciola's description of the denomadization famine in Kazakhstan from 1931 to 1933; and Gijs Kessler's study of events in the Urals region from the same period. Also included in this volume are a foreword by Lubomyr Hajda, Andrea Graziosi's remarks on the present state of Famine scholarship and how it addresses the question of genocide, Hennadii Boriak's assessment of the current state of source material, and an essay by George Grabowicz on the legacy of the Famine in Ukraine today. This book offers new contributions to scholarship on the Famine as well as a tribute to those scholars who first broke ground in the field in the 1980s.

168 pp., softcover, ISBN 978-1-932650-05-1 (HUP/HRYHUN) $24.95.

The Selected Poems of Oleh Lysheha

Oleh Lysheha and James Brasfield, trans.

"Out of a silence imposed by history and ignorance comes the shattering voice of Oleh Lysheha. Ukraine has its overdue political autonomy, and now, with these poems and play, an equally overdue rendition of Ukrainian life, love, and stalwart hope. Lysheha's 'Swan' -- 'My God, I'm vanishing...' -- alone makes the book a treasure. This work offers American readers in particular not just a new voice, but, even in translation, a new language, a new way of seeing. Lysheha speaks through indirection, and observes through the sides of his eyes, but the effect is a set of blows to the heart, which leave one more alive, not less." --James Carroll (author of An American Requiem: God, My Father, and the War that Came Between Us)

"Psychologically inward, phantasmagoric, Oleh Lysheha's poems are darkly comic fables about the risks, pleasures, and limitations of trying to perceive the Sublime in Nature. What is original in his poems is his ironic understanding of how absurd gestures like sitting on an ant hole are as likely to provoke 'visionary hours' as the contemplation of 'one of those heavenly days which cannot die.' His interest in Nature is decidedly lowercase -- nature in its specific operations, and not as a springboard for metaphysics. An alder by a stream may become suggestive of symbolic meaning, but the poet never insists. This modesty of scope shouldn't be mistaken for modesty of ambition: his poems are quirky, uncompromising, full of unexpected dips and veers of sensibility." --Tom Sleigh (author of The Dreamhouse)

121 pp. softcover, ISBN 0-916458-90-3 (HUP/LYSCOL) $13.50.

Above and Beyond: From Soviet General to Ukrainian State Builder

Kostiantyn P. Morozov, intro. by Sherman W. Garnett

Above and Beyond is the first book by a major Ukrainian independence figure to appear in the West and is the first by a former Soviet general to discuss the inner workings of the USSR's military. Morozov provides behind-the-scenes insights on Kravchuk, Yeltsin, and other important players still active today. His book will firmly alter our perception of the USSR and its demise, the Soviet military machine, and the rise of modern, independent Ukraine.

In September 1991 Major General Kostiantyn Morozov informed the Soviet Armed Forces Command that he was the new Ukrainian Minister of Defense. He then set out to create the Ukrainian Armed Forces (UAF), mounting a brilliant campaign to remove from Ukraine military personnel who were not Ukrainian citizens and not loyal to the new Ukrainian state; taking over the Ukrainian-based assets, nuclear and otherwise, of the Soviet Army; and firmly grounding the idea of an independent UAF in the public mind. Within a year of assuming his post, he oversaw the second-largest army in Europe and the third-largest nuclear arsenal in the world. The shock waves of his efforts were felt throughout the former Soviet Union, since his efforts ensured the realization of Ukrainian independence.

 Morozov guided his forces through a minefield of intrigues as various figures sought to undermine the UAF and subordinate it to the armed forces of the CIS (and, thereby, to Russia). He stood as an important figure in the political landscape for his blunt candor and total devotion to Ukrainian independence.

Above and Beyond will appeal to all those who are interested in the fall of the Soviet Union and the rise of the newly independent states. It also is a valuable resource for those interested in Soviet military history and the creation of the new armed forces in Ukraine.

Kostiantyn Petrovych Morozov was the first Minister of Defense of independent Ukraine (September 1991 to October 1993). After his retirement from that post, he was a senior research fellow at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government and Ukrainian Research Institute, a Minister-Counselor for relations with NATO in the Embassy of Ukraine in Brussels, and Deputy Head of the Ukrainian Mission to NATO. He currently is Ukraine's Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Iran.

Sherman W. Garnett is the Dean of the James Madison College at Michigan State University. He has served in the U.S. Department of Defense and Central Intelligence Agency, and was a Senior Associate for Russia, Ukraine, and Poland at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. He is the author of Keystone in the Arch: Ukraine and the Emerging Security Environment of Eastern and Central Europe (1997).

320 pp., 39 photographs., maps. ISBN 0-916458-77-6 (clothbound) (HUP/MORABO) $31.50.

The Military Tradition in Ukrainian History: Its Role in the Construction of Ukraine's Armed Forces

Kostiantyn P. Morozov et al.

This booklet contains the proceedings of the first Annual Conference sponsored by the Ukrainian Research Institute, Harvard University, and the Institute for National Strategic Studies, National Defense University at Harvard University, May 12-13, 1994. Kostiantyn P. Morozov, first Minister of Defense of independent Ukraine, gave the keynote address. Papers exploring recent Ukrainian military history and the construction and Ukrainianization of the Ukrainian Armed Forces were presented by Professors Zenon Kohut (Director, Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies), Mark von Hagen (Columbia University), and John Jaworsky (University of Waterloo). Responses to these papers were given by senior Ukrainian military personnel who attended the conference. The Military Tradition in Ukrainian History will be useful to specialists in East European affairs, military historians, and Ukrainianists.

93 pp. ISBN 0-916458-73-3 (booklet) (HUP/MORMIL) $5.50.

Making Ukraine, and Remaking It (The Petryshyn Memorial Lecture, Harvard University, 14 April 2003)

Alexander J. Motyl

Independent Ukraine is, in part, the making of those who oppressed, dominated, and brutalized it for centuries. The challenge now is to "remake" it into a dynamic, modern, and prosperous nation in its own right and beyond the East-West divide. This is the central idea of Motyl's lecture, presented at Harvard University. Motyl is associate professor of political science and deputy director of the Center for Global Change and Governance at Rutgers University, Newark, New Jersey. He is a recognized authority on the Soviet Union, post-Soviet Ukraine, Russia, and the other newly independent states of Eurasia.

12 pp. ISBN 0-916458-99-7 (booklet) (HURI) $5.00.

The Future of the Past: New Perspectives on Ukrainian History 

Edited by Serhii Plokhy 

future past cover final rgb 600Ukraine is in the midst of the worst international crisis in East-West relations since the Cold War, and history itself has become a battleground in Russia-Ukraine relations. Can history and historical narratives be blamed for what has happened in the region, or can they show the path to peace and reconciliation, helping to integrate the history of the region in the broader European context?

The essays collected here address these questions, rethinking the meaning of Ukrainian history by venturing outside boundaries established by the national paradigm, and demonstrating how research on the history of Ukraine can benefit from both regional and global perspectives. The Future of the Past shows how the study of Ukraine’s past enhances our understanding of Europe, Eurasia, and the world—past, present, and future.

"[T]he chapters in this volume range from the well-trodden ground of historiographical essays and methodological prescriptions to highly innovative scholarly articles on key themes and periods of Ukrainian history. The totality of this complex but roughly organized book offers definitive proof of the vitality of Ukrainian history as a field." - Joshua First, University of Mississippi, in The Russian Review, April 2018

516 pp ISBN 9781932650167 (HUP) $29.95

Tsars and Cossacks: A Study in Iconography

Serhii Plokhy

Tsars and Cossacks explores the ways in which Ukrainian Cossacks used icon painting to navigate not only their relationship vis-à-vis God, but also vis-à-vis the Russian tsar. Could Emperor Peter I and his adversary in the Battle of Poltava (1709) — the Cossack Hetman Ivan Mazepa — be depicted in the same icon? Why did the Cossack colonels commission icons with the portraits of their tsars, but not of the own Cossack leaders, the hetmans? Could a Catholic king be portrayed in an Orthodox icon? Why are the Prussian tsars and Orthodox hierarchs missing on some of the Zaporozhian Cossack icons? In this groundbreaking study, Dr. Plokhy provides answers to these and many other questions pertaining to the political and religious culture of Ukrainian Cossackdom, as reflected in the Cossack era paintings, icons and woodcuts. By encouraging the iconography to "speak", Tsars and Cossacks helps to broaden and deepen our understanding of Ukrainian iconography, as well as Russian imperial political culture.

Serhii Plokhy received his doctorate in history from Kyiv University in 1990. He was the chair of the Department of World History at Dnipropetrovsk University and conducted research at the Institute of Archeography and Source Studies of the National Academy Sciences of Ukraine, where he headed the Department of the History of Culture. He currently serves as the Associate Director of the Peter Jacyk Centre and the Director of the Church Studies Program at the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies (University of Alberta). In 2002 he was the Petro Jacyk Distinquished Fellow at the Ukrainian Research Institute of Harvard University. He is the author of The Cossacks and Religion in Early Modern Ukraine (Oxford University Press, 2001).

101 pp., illus.; ISBN 0-916458-95-4 (paperback) (HUP/PLOTSA) $18.95.

The Strategic Role of Ukraine: Diplomatic Addresses and Lectures (1994-1997)

Yuri Shcherbak

Ukraine's Ambassador to the United States (1994 to the present) provides a unique insight into the strategic relationship that has grown between the two countries from 1989 to the present. The volume includes an in-depth introduction that analyzes the nature of that relationship, a detailed chronology of U.S.-Ukrainian relations, and selected addresses and lectures on subjects ranging from geopolitical stability to ecology and the nuclear threat to the growth of international trade. As a trained epidemiologist, writer or note, a founder and leader of Ukraine's Green Movement, and Ukraine's first ambassador to Israel, Shcherbak has a fascinating wealth of experience to bring to bear on the problems he analyzes. This volume will be of great interest to all those interested in U.S.-Ukrainian relations and Central and Eastern European security and development.

" important contribution to a better understanding of Ukraine's position in the world and Ukraine's foreign policy...I both welcome and applaud its appearance..." -Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski

"The Strategic Role of Ukraine is a collection of unique and penetrating insights that goes beyond observations about the ebb and flow of diplomacy and that, instead, focuses on broad strategic trends." -The Hon. Paula J. Dobriansky

"As NATO's Supreme Allied Commander in Europe I was fully aware of Ukraine's unique strategic position in Europe...I completely agree with the author's conclusion as to the necessity of Ukraine's integration into Euro-Atlantic institutions...Ambassador Shcherbak's book is full of facts and useful data in understanding Ukraine's strategic importance in the past, for the present, and into the future. I highly recommend this book to serious scholars of Ukraine and Europe. -Gen. George Joulwan (U.S. Armed Forces)

"Essential reading for anyone interested in Ukraine's emergence as a major player in international politics by a man who helped make it so." -Dr. Paul Goble

160 pp. 3 b&w photographs, 1 map; softcover, ISBN 0-916458-85-7 (HUP/SHCSTR) $13.00.

Nationalism, Marxism, and Modern Central Europe. A Biography of Kazimierz Kelles-Krauz (1872-1905)

Timothy Snyder

Timothy Snyder opens a new path in the understanding of modern nationalism and twentieth-century socialism by presenting the often overlooked life of Kazimierz Kelles-Krauz, an important Polish thinker at the beginning of this century. During his brief life in Poland, Paris, and Vienna, Kelles-Krauz influenced or infuriated most of the leaders of the various socialist movements of Central Europe and France. His central ideas ultimately were not accepted by the socialist mainstream at the time of his death. However, ninety years later, we see that they anticipated late twentieth-century understanding on the importance of nationalism as a social force and the parameters of socialism in political theory and praxis. Kelles-Krauz was one of the only theoreticians of his age to advocate Jewish national rights as being equivalent to , for example, Polish national rights and he correctly saw the struggle for national sovereignty as being central to future events in Europe. Specialists will welcome this first major monograph in English devoted to Kelles-Krauz. Students will also find helpful biographical guides, maps, and personal photographs of Kelles-Krauz, his colleagues, and his family.

Winner of the Oskar Halecki Book Prize for Polish and East European History

351 pp., b&w photographs, maps. softcover, ISBN 0-916458-84-9. LC98-112178 (Out of print) $18.95.

Poland Between East and West. The Controversies over Self-Definition and Modernization in Partitioned Poland (The August Zaleski Lectures, Harvard University, 18-22 April 1994)

Andrzej Walicki

The three sections in this booklet represent revised and edited versions of the three August Zaleski Lectures given by world renowned thinker Andrzej Walicki. In them Walicki charts a new understanding of Poland's entry into the modern age as it sought to reinvent its concept of nationhood after having been partitioned among three of its longtime rivals. Walicki presents new paradigms for understanding the rise and nature of Polish nationalism, the impact of Positivism and Socialism, and the question of integral nationalism. These texts will be stimulating reading for anyone interested in twentieth-century East Central European history.

50 pp. ISBN 0-916458-71-7 booklet (HUP/WALPOZ) $5.50.