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Laada Bilaniuk, Anthropologist. Bilaniuk is an assistant professor of Anthropology at the University of Washington, where she teaches courses on anthropological linguistics, the anthropology of communication, and the politics and culture of language. Her fieldwork has included investigation of the language dynamics in post-Soviet Ukraine. In addition to her many scholarly articles in English and Ukrainian, Bilaniuk is the co-editor, with Kathryn Lyon and Ben Fitzhugh, of Post-Soviet Eurasia: Anthropological Perspectives on a World in Transition (Ann Arbor, MI, 1996). While at HURI, she will be completing a book on the politics of language and identity in Ukraine.

Oleksandr Halenko, Historian. Halenko is a senior researcher at the Institute for Political and Ethnic Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and an assistant professor of History at the University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. His research has focused on the northern Black Sea region under Ottoman and Tatar administration in the early modern period, and he has taught courses on Balkan History, the Crimean Khanate, and Ukraine and the Ottoman Empire. In addition to his many journal publications, he is the translator into Ukrainian of Halil Inalcik's The Ottoman Empire: The Classical Age, 1300–1600 (Kyiv and Lviv, 1996). While at HURI, Halenko will be working on a monograph on political, economic, demographic and social aspects of the northern Black Sea Ottoman province of Kefe in the sixteenth century.

Aleksandra Hnatiuk, Slavicist. Hnatiuk is an associate professor of Slavic Languages and Literatures at the University of Warsaw. Her publications include books and articles on topics such as Ukrainian baroque hymnal traditions, Ukrainian-Polish literary connections, and the geopolitics of Ukrainian literature. She has also been the editor or translator of several collections of Ukrainian poetry and Ukrainian scholarly articles into Polish. While at HURI, Hnatiuk will be completing a book on the transformation of Ukrainian cultural identity in the twentieth century—particularly attitudes towards cultural modernization and Europeanization—as seen through literature.

Tamara Hundorova, Slavicist. Hundorova is a principal research fellow at the Institute of Literature of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. In 1998–1999, she was a Fulbright Scholar at the Harriman Institute of Columbia University, and in 1999–2000, a visiting professor of Slavic Literature at the University of Toronto. She has published many articles on Ukrainian modernism and postmodernism. Her most recent book is The Emergence of the Word: The Discourse of Early Ukrainian Modernism: Postmodern Interpretations (Lviv, 1997). While at HURI, Hundorova will be working on a monograph on Ukrainian literary postmodernism, utilizing the concept of the "Chornobyl text."

Volodymyr Kravchenko, Historian. Kravchenko is the chair of Ukrainian Studies at Kharkiv National University. He specializes in modern Ukrainian historiography and in the history of Kharkiv and the region of Slobids'ka Ukraina. He has authored and edited several monographs on modern Ukrainian historiography, most notably on the role of the historian Dmytro Bahalii (1857–1932). Kravchenko is also the editor-in-chief of the Ukrainian scholarly journal East-West. While at HURI, Kravchenko will be working on a study of the identity and character of Slobids'ka Ukraina, and the region's role in Ukrainian nation-building, from approximately 1750 to 1850.

Volodymyr Kulyk, Political Scientist. Kulyk is a research fellow at the Institute of Political and Ethnic Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. He has been a research fellow at the OSCE Research Center at the University of Hamburg, served on the editorial boards of the Ukrainian newspaper Den' and the journal Suchasnist', and taught comparative political science at the University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. Among his published works is the book Ukrainian Nationalism in Independent Ukraine (Kyiv, 1999). While at HURI, Kulyk will be working on an analysis of the transformation of the idea of the Ukrainian state among political élites—both dissident activists and party nomenklatura—in the late Soviet period (1986–1991).

Stephen Shulman, Political Scientist. Shulman is an assistant professor of Political Science at Southern Illinois University, where he teaches courses on international relations, comparative politics, political methodology, and ethnicity and nationalism. His many published articles deal with the interaction of politics with nation-building and national identity issues in Ukraine, Russia and Eastern Europe. Among his current research projects is an exploration into the evolution of civic nationalism, with Taras Kuzio. While at HURI, Shulman will be doing research for his book on the sources of, and obstacles to, nation-building in Ukraine, with particular regard to the goals of autonomy, unity and identity in the nation-building process.