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Tetyana Bureychak (Shklar Fellow, Spring 2011), Assistant Professor in the Department of History and Theory of Sociology, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, has recently returned from her appointment as a Visiting Researcher at Linkoping University (Sweden) in the Department of Gender Studies. While at Harvard her research project will be “Nationalism, Masculinities, and Social Change in Contemporary Ukraine.” Bureychak will analyze the ways in which nationalism and masculinity are formulated as cultural categories and the means by which they inform each other in contemporary Ukrainian society. Bureychak received her Kandydat nauk in sociology from the Institute of Sociology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, in 2007. Bureychak’s article “Gender and Mass Media: Qualitative Methods in Audience Studies” recently appeared in Qualitative Research in Sociological Practices (2009) and a forthcoming article will appear in Gender, State and Society in Ukraine (Toronto University Press).

Kateryna Dysa (Shklar Fellow, Spring 2011) is Vice-Director at the Centre for Polish and European Studies and Assistant Professor in the Department of History at the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. She received her Ph.D. in comparative history from Central European University, Budapest, in 2004. Her research topic is “Control of Sexuality and Public Morals in Volhynian and Podolian Towns of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries.” Using trial materials and sermons, she will analyze the means of dealing with transgressive sexual relationships both in courts and within the community. Her monograph, A Witch Story: Witchcraft Trials in the Ukrainian Palatinates of the Rzeczpospolita in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries, was published by Krytyka in 2008.

Tetyana Dzyadevych (Shklar Fellow, Fall 2010) is Assistant Professor of Literature at the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. Dzyadevych received a Kandydat nauk in literary studies from the Shevchenko Institute of Literature, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, and a Ph.D. in East Slavic literatures from the Marie Curie-Skłodowska University of Lublin. While at Harvard she will research the topic “World War II through Ukrainian Women’s Experience.” By looking at autobiographies, memoirs, diaries, and personal letters, Dzyadevych will reconstruct an image of World War II related by women and examine the discourse of memory in post-totalitarian societies from gender and postcolonial perspectives. Her most recent publications include Education of Sensibility: Some Thoughts on Postcolonialism in Ukraine and Not Only in Ukraine (Kyiv, 2007) and “Keeping Distance from Empire” (in Chinese), in Imperial Knowledge: Russian Literature and Colonialism (Beijing, 2009).

Zvi Gitelman (Petro Jacyk Distinguished Research Fellow in Ukrainian Studies, Fall 2010) is Professor of Political Science and the Preston R. Tisch Professor of Judaic Studies at the University of Michigan, where he has been on the faculty since 1968. He received his Ph.D. from Columbia University. Gitelman’s illustrious academic career includes a number of honors: Shapiro Senior Fellow at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Fellow at the Kennan Institute, Woodrow Wilson Center for International Affairs, and election to the School of Historical Studies, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton University. While at Harvard, Gitelman will pursue the research topic “Rethinking Collaboration: Jews and Ukrainians in World War II.” He proposes to reexamine the complex concept of collaboration by analyzing motivation, intention, and behavior. Gitelman will compare older and émigré historiography to the historiography emerging in independent Ukraine, and analyze how these fit into different conceptions of Ukrainian nationhood, statehood, and the place of Jews in each. He was coeditor of Revolution, Repression and Revival: The Soviet Jewish Experience (2007) and coeditor of and contributor to Religion or Ethnicity? The Evolution of Jewish Identities (2009).

Myron Kapral (Shklar Fellow, Spring 2011) is Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Ukrainian Archeography and Source Studies, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Lviv) and Assistant Professor in the Department of History of Lviv National University. In 2003 Kapral published the monograph National Communities in Lviv: Social and Legal Relations (Sixteenth to Eighteenth Centuries), defended it as his doctoral thesis, and received his Doctor of Sciences in history. His research interests include the urban history of medieval and early modern Ukraine and Eastern Europe and the historical demography and ethnic history of early modern society. While at the Institute, Kapral will study “Concordia Plebeiorum: Social and Ethnic Relations in the Lviv Shoemaking Guild in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries,” focusing on the involvement of the artisan guild in the processes of Westernization and nation building.

Olha Luchuk (Shklar Fellow, Spring 2011) received her Kandydat nauk in philology in translation studies in 1996 and is now Associate Professor of English and Translation Studies in the Department of Foreign Languages, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. Luchuk’s topic of research is “Panteleimon Kulish and His Concept of Europeanization of Ukrainian Literature: The Case of Shakespeare.” Luchuk will focus on translations of Shakespeare’s plays that were not published during Kulish’s lifetime. She is preparing two of them for publication. A recent publication compiled and edited by Luchuk is In a Different Light: A Bilingual Anthology of Ukrainian Literature (translated by Virlana Tkacz and Wanda Phipps as performed by Yara Arts Group, 2007).

Serhiy Lepyavko (Mihaychuk Fellow, Fall 2010) is Professor of History at the Gogol State University of Nizhyn. He received his Kandydat nauk in history in 1992 and his Doctor of Sciences in history in 2000, both from the Institute of History of Ukraine, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv. The objective of Lepyavko’s research topic, “The Christian-Muslim Frontier in Ukraine, Fifteenth–Eighteenth Centuries: A Study in Political and Military History,” is to present a history of the important military conflicts between Muslims and Christians on the territory of present-day Ukraine. Lepyavko has written extensively about Ukrainian Cossacks, and his forthcoming work is titled History of Chernihiv (Kyiv, 2010).

Mykhailo Minakov (Shklar Fellow, Fall 2010) received his Doctor of Sciences in philosophy in 2007 from the Institute of Philosophy, Kyiv, and is Assistant Professor at the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies at the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. In addition to his academic work, Minakov has assisted with program development for the Victor Pinchuk Foundation, the Eurasia Foundation Kyiv Regional Office, the International HIV/AIDS Alliance, and the International Renaissance Foundation. He is currently the Senior Program Manager at UNDP Ukraine. This fall Minakov will research the topic “The Fate of Modern Reason in Ukraine: The Development of Political Culture and the Transformation of the Public Sphere in Ukraine” through description and analysis of how philosophy, political regimes, approaches to governance and public administration, and the development of cultural identities since the nineteenth century are related within the framework of modernization. His most recent articles include “Disappointment with Reason,” Krytyka (2010), and “Tenebrae seu lux ex oriente? Reevaluation of the Soviet Philosophy in Contemporary Anglo-American Historiography,” Filosofska Dumka 3 (2009).

Nataliia Sinkevych (Shklar Fellow, Fall 2010), having completed her Kandydat nauk in history at the Taras Shevchenko National University, Kyiv, now heads the Historical Sources Publications Department of the Historic and Cultural Preserve of the Kyiv Caves Monastery. Her research topic is “Sylvester Kossov’s ‘Paterikon’: Emergence, Contents, Ideology, and History of Existence.” Her research is concerned with how the Kyiv Caves Paterik, historical chronicles, and hagiographical sources were used by Sylvester Kossov in his Paterikon (1635). Sinkevych will pay special attention to the values and aims of the author and his intellectual circle, the worldview of the potential readers of the text, and the Paterikon’s influence on the further development of the Uniate and Orthodox traditions. Sinkevych is author of numerous articles and a monograph entitled Laudare, praedicare, benedicere: The Dominican Order in Volhynia from the End of the Sixteenth to the Beginning of the Nineteenth Centuries (Kyiv, 2009).

Christoph Witzenrath (Shklar Fellow, Fall 2010) is Research Fellow at the University of Aberdeen. His research project is “Slavery, Redemption, and Liberation in Ukraine in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries.” While the opposition of Zaporozhian Cossacks to Polish bondage or tsarist oppression has often been studied, redemption from slavery and the multiple moral and practical political issues connected to it have received much less attention. Witzenrath hopes to investigate the relationship between liberty and slavery in Ukraine and the political implications for the empires bordering the Black Sea steppe. Witzenrath received his Ph.D. in 2005 from King’s College London. His recent publications include Cossacks and the Russian Empire, 1598–1725: Manipulation, Rebellion, and Expansion into Siberia (London, 2007) and “Literacy and Orality in the Eurasian Frontier: Imperial Culture and Space in Russia,” SEER 87 (2009); and a forthcoming monograph, Slavery, Ransom, and Liberation in Russia and the Steppe Area, 1500–2000 (2010).