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Tetiana Hoshko is an assistant professor in the Department of Ukrainian History at Ukrainian Catholic University. She earned her Kandydat nauk degree in 1999. She will spend three months at Harvard (September–November 2005) to work on the topic "Early Modern Ukrainianization in the Borderlands: East-Central European Towns under German Law with an Emphasis on Ukrainian Cases." Hoshko will study the development of municipal self-government based on German law in the borderlands of East Central Europe from the late Middle Ages through the early modern period.

Daniela Hristova, assistant professor in the Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures at the University of Chicago, earned her Ph.D. in philology in 2002 at the same institution. With a primary research interest in the history and structure of the East Slavic languages, Hristova will spend five months at Harvard (September 2005–January 2006) to work on the topic "The Galician-Volhynian Chronicle: Languages, Writers, Multiplicities." She will study various linguistic levels of the Galician-Volhynian Chronicle in order to provide a comprehensive description of its language. The Chronicle is a unique data source for Ukrainian language and literature and through this study Hristova hopes to remedy the shortcomings of previous scholarly efforts to discern the exact textual boundary between the Galician and Volhynian sections and to better understand how the Chronicle was compiled.

Anatoliy Kruglashov is professor and chairman of the Department of Political Science and Sociology at the Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University. He earned his Doktor nauk degree in political science in 2002. During his four months at Harvard (February–May 2006), Kruglashov will be researching the topic "Ukrainian Political Thought in the Nineteenth to Early Twentieth Centuries: Temptations of Pan-Slavism." His study will focus on the process of nation-building and the development of national political discourse by analyzing the Ukrainian interpretation of the Slavic idea.

Michael Moser is an associate professor at the Institute for Slavic Studies at the University of Vienna. He holds a Ph.D. (1994) in Russian and comparative Slavonic linguistics. He will spend four months at Harvard (October 2005–January 2006) to work on two topics: "A History of the Ukrainian Language in Galicia, 1772–1849," and "The Language of the Cossacks." In the former, Moser will study the development of the Ukrainian language in Galicia, particularly the years leading up to the revolution of 1848–1849. In the latter, he will seek a greater understanding of the language of the hetmans by looking at their universals, letters, poems, and correspondence.

William Risch is a visiting assistant professor in the History Department at the University of Toledo in Ohio. He earned a Ph.D. in history in 2001 at Ohio State University. He will spend four months at Harvard (February–May 2006) to work on the topic "Ukraine's Window to the West: Identity and Cultural Nonconformity in Lviv, 1953–85." Risch will study the role nationhood played in the collapse of the Soviet Union by studying student activities and intellectual movements in that city.

Oxana Shevel is an assistant professor at Purdue University. She received her Ph.D. in political science in 2003 from Harvard University. She returns to Harvard to spend five months (February–June 2006) to investigate the topic "Migration and Nation-Building in the New Europe: Ukraine in Comparative Perspective." Shevel will study the relationship between the politics of national identity and migration policies in the post-Communist region by comparing refugee policies in post-Communist Ukraine, Russia, the Czech Republic, and Poland. As a result of her work here, she hopes to understand better why Ukraine and the Czech Republic are more receptive to refugees than Russia or Poland.

Danuta Sosnowska, who holds a senior researcher and lecturer position at the Institute of Western and Southern Slavonic Studies, Warsaw University, received her Ph.D. in 1991 from the Institute of Literary Research at the Polish Academy of Sciences. She will spend eight months at Harvard (October 2005–May 2006) to study "The Role of National and Social Representations in Difficult Dialogues." Sosnowska will concentrate on the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. She will look at how the self-identification of Polish, Ukrainian, and Czech communities in the nineteenth century influenced contacts with other cultures; the extent to which self-identification was influenced by, or formed in opposition to, the ideas of the other societies; and in what way these concepts have determined the perceptions of neighboring cultures. She will look at selected examples from the twentieth century to illustrate how ideas isolate different communities, resulting in a failure to reach compromise or comprehension of the other group.

Lesya Stavytska, head of the Department of Sociolinguistics at the Ukrainian Language Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, earned her Doktor nauk in 1996. She will spend five months at Harvard (February–June 2006) to work on "Linguistic Gender Studies: Language, Consciousness, Discourse." Stavytska will be looking at the theoretical aspects and new trends in structuring an interdisciplinary paradigm of gender. Specifically, she will be studying gender stereotypes in Ukrainian phraseology.

Lidia Stefanowska, a senior researcher in the Slavic Division of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, is a longtime colleague of HURI. She received her Ph.D. in 1999 from Harvard University in Ukrainian and Polish literatures and has taught at the Harvard Ukrainian Summer Institute (2001). She will spend three months at Harvard (September–November 2005) to work on the topic "Between Vision and Construction: The Poetics of Bohdan Ihor Antonych." Stefanowska hopes to gain a better understanding of the conception of the poet as manifested in Antonych's work and to analyze Antonych's poetic language.

Oleksiy Tolochko is a Senior Research Associate at the Institute of History, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. He received his Kandydat nauk in 1989 from the National Academy of Sciences in Kyiv. He will spend six months at Harvard (January–June 2006) to explore the topic "Fellows and Travelers: Thinking on Ukrainian History in the First Decades of the Nineteenth Century." Tolochko will address different images of Ukrainian history from the first two decades of the nineteenth century, the tensions between them, and their role in forging the standard Ukrainian historical narrative. He will examine the "history-writing" done by Ukrainian gentry in order to confirm their noble status and the Russian "discovery of Ukraine" and the vision of its history created and reaffirmed in travelogues of the time.

Oleksandr Zaytsev holds the position of assistant professor in the department of Ukrainian History at Ukrainian Catholic University in Lviv. He received his Kandydat nauk degree in 1994 after completing his dissertation "The Parliamentary Activity of the Political Parties of Western Ukraine (1922–1939)." He will be at Harvard for three months (February–April 2006) to work on the topic "Ukrainian Integral Nationalism in Comparative Perspective, 1920–1930s." The research has three goals: 1) to trace the ideological evolution of the Ukrainian nationalist movement within an international context; 2) to determine the extent to which the Ukrainian movement was influenced by French integral nationalism, Italian Fascism, and German National Socialism; and 3) to compare the Ukrainian national movements with the radical right movements of East-Central Europe and the Balkans.

Valeriy Zema is a research associate at the Institute of Ukrainian History at the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. He received his Kandydat nauk degree in 1995. He will spend seven months (September 2005–March 2006) at Harvard to conduct research on "Ruthenian Polemics and the Union of Brest: Cultural Revolutions and the Construction of Identities during the Reformation and Early Counter-Reformation." Zema hopes to obtain a better understanding of the roots of the religious tolerance—namely, the respect for the free choice of confession—that was characteristic of religious life in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.