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Juliette Cadiot. Historian. She is a post-doctoral fellow at the Watson Institute for International Studies, Brown University. Cadiot received her Ph.D. in 2001 from the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris, France and the European University Institute, Florence, Italy. She has written on nationality issues and policies in the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union, and, on two occasions, presented papers at HURI: "Ethnic Categorization in Censuses and Census Projects in the Russian Empire" (November, 2002), and " Historical Perspectives on the Ukrainian Census: the Imperial and Soviet Legacy" (February, 2003).
As part of her research project at HURI entitled "Social Sciences, Demographic Masses, and the Construction of the Ukrainian Nationality (1897-1932)", she intends to examine how statisticians, especially demographers, as well as sociologists, linguists and ethnographers, constructed the category of Ukrainian/Little Russian (Malorossiiskii) nationality in the period between the end of the nineteenth century to the 1930s. The study, which will form part of a book on the construction of national categories in Russia and the Soviet Union, will focus on the ideas and work of a generation of Ukrainian demographers and ethnographers who were both the top experts in their field as well as nationalists eager to serve a new socialist Ukraine. This connection between new social sciences and the nationalist agenda in all its components, which defined the political community in both ethnic and civic terms, was particularly critical in the case of Ukraine. The study also seeks to elucidate the population's reaction to the efforts of the specialists to instill national consciousness among the Ukrainian masses and promote linguistic unity.
Cadiot's eight-month fellowship at HURI begins in September. Her fellowship is financed by the Mr. and Mrs. Alex Woscob endowment in support of scholars conducting research on issues related to Ukrainian history.

Vitaly Chernetsky. Literary scholar. Chernetsky is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Slavic Languages, Columbia University. He received his Ph.D. in Comparative Literature and Literary Theory from University of Pennsylvania in 1996. His research interests include Ukrainian and Russian literature, and cultural aspects of globalization, postcolonial theory, and gender and feminist studies. He recently finished writing his first monograph that discusses the contemporary literature and culture of the two largest Slavic nations, Russia and Ukraine, and places them in the context of the global-scale paradigm shift associated with the notions of post-modernity and post-coloniality. In addition to his essays on various aspects of modern Ukrainian and Russian literature, Chernetsky has also published translations into English and Russian of works by Yuri Andrukhovych, Petro Karmanskyi, Vasyl Makhno, Oksana Zabuzhko and others.
His research project at HURI is a reflection of a key aspiration of his academic endeavors - to help familiarize intellectual audiences in the West with modern Ukrainian literature and culture, and thereby to bring Ukrainian literature and culture into closer contact with its counterparts elsewhere around the globe. He will be studying a number of modern Ukrainian writers in close comparison with selected representatives of other literatures: Vasyl Stefanyk with Joseph Conrad (England), Olha Kobylianska with Willa Cather (USA), Volodymyr Vynnychenko with Witold Gombrowicz (Poland), Mykola Khvylovyi with Frantz Fanon (France), Viktor Domontovych with Konstantin Vaginov (Russia), Yuri Andrukhovych with Guillermo Cabrera Infante (Cuba), and Oksana Zabuzhko with Dubravka Ugresic (Croatia).
Chernetsky will be at HURI for eight months beginning in January. His fellowship is funded by the Ukrainian Studies Fund, Inc. endowed gift in support of research in Ukrainian Studies.

George Liber. Historian. Liber is a Professor at the Department of History, University of Alabama, Birmingham. He earned his Ph.D. at Columbia University in 1986. His scholarly interests include Soviet, post-Soviet and East European social history, nationalism and national identity formation, and twentieth-century Ukrainian history. His list of publications includes two monographs: "Alexander Dovzhenko: a Life in Soviet Film" (British Film Institute, 2002) and "Soviet Nationality Policy, Urban Growth, and Identity Change in the Ukrainian SSR, 1923-1934" (Cambridge University Press, 1992). While at HURI, Liber will be working on an interpretative and synthetic essay analyzing the Communist Party's and the Soviet Government's policies designed to mobilize and manage the expression of non-Russian identities within the USSR. Building on his first monograph and on reinterpreting the work produced by many scholars over the past fifty years, the project will provide the first substantial synthesis of Soviet nationality policy from 1917 through 1991.
Liber's four-month fellowship will start in February, 2004. It is funded by the Wolodymyr Smigurowskyi endowed gift fund established to promote "good scholarship on Ukraine."

Olena Rusina. Historian-Medievalist. Rusina is a Senior Research Associate at the Institute of Ukrainian History of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. She received her Ph.D. in History from the National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv in 1991. She has authored numerous publications, including three books dedicated to various aspects of Ukrainian medieval and early modern history. Rusina's project at HURI entitled "Kyivan Princely Tradition in the Fourteenth to Sixteenth Centuries" is intended as a conceptually innovative and comprehensive study of the Kyivan princes during the age of the Tatar and, then, Lithuanian supremacy. This period remains the most obscure in the city's history, so obscure in fact that some authors question the very existence of Kyiv as a city in the fourteenth through sixteenth centuries. Because local chronicle-writing was interrupted soon after Kyiv had been conquered by the Batu Khan, information about the Kyivan princes of the period remains very fragmentary. The project seeks to fill in this gap.
Rusina will be carrying out her research at HURI for seven months beginning in November. Her fellowship is funded by the Dr. Jaroslaw and Nadia Mihaychuk endowed gift.

Lidia Stefanowska. Literary scholar. She is currently an adjunct and full-time research associate at the Polish Academy of Sciences (Warsaw). Stefanowska's ties with Harvard and the Ukrainian Research Institute go back more than a decade. It is at Harvard that she received both her M.A. (1995) and Ph.D. (1999) in Ukrainian Literature. Since then she has returned to teach the course "Twentieth-Century Ukrainian Literature: Tradition and the Avant-Garde" at the Harvard Ukrainian Summer Institute (2001). She has also taught at the National Ivan Franko University of Lviv and at the Ukrainian Catholic University (Lviv). In her articles, reviews and analyses, she focuses on such earlier and more recent representatives of twentieth-century Ukrainian literature as Bohdan Ihor Antonych, Valerii Shevchuk, Yuri Andrukhovych, Taras Prokhasko, Yuri Izdryk, and the poetic group Bu-Ba-Bu. She has also translated into Polish works by Izdryk, Prokhasko, Liudmyla Taran, Yuri Pozaiak, Vasyl Holoborodko, and Viktor Neborak.
During her five-month fellowship at HURI beginning in September, Stefanowska will be working on a book with the provisional title "Between Vision and Construction: the Poetics of Bohdan Ihor Antonych". Bohdan Ihor Antonych, who lived and worked in Lviv in the 1920s and 1930s, is one of the most distinguished Ukrainian poets of the twentieth century. His poetic legacy was deliberately overlooked and obscured in the Soviet Ukraine, and even after he was "rediscovered" in the 1960s, his work was manipulated to fit it into the canon as a "materialist" writer. Even today critics have not yet fully acknowledged Antonych's importance in the evolution of Ukrainian poetry.
Stefanowska's fellowship is funded by the Dr. Jaroslaw and Nadia Mihaychuk endowed gift established to support postdoctoral research at HURI.

Roman Syrota. Historian. In his research project entitled "An Independent Intellectual in International Politics: R.W. Seton-Watson and the Ukrainian Question in Great Britain in the First Half of the Twentieth Century," Syrota intends to develop a framework for writing an intellectual and diplomatic history of the "Ukrainian question" and do a specific case study of the influence a private individual could exercise on public policy in the first half of the twentieth century.
In 1996-1997 Syrota studied at London University in the Ukrainian Fellowship Programme. He received his Ph.D. in History from the National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv in 1998. Presently he is an Associate Professor at the Department of History at the National Ivan Franko University of Lviv where he has taught such history courses as "East-Central Europe in Modern Times", "Contemporary Western Historiography of East-Central Europe", and "Historian as Nation-Builder in Western and Eastern Europe in Modern Times." Syrota's relationship with HURI began in the summer of 2002 when he was a student at the Harvard Ukrainian Summer Institute.
His five-month fellowship at the Institute begins in January, 2004. It will be financed by the Ukrainian Studies Fund, Inc. and, in particular, by the gift fund in support of a research position in Ukrainian Studies, with preference given to research on twentieth century history and political science.