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Henry Abramson
(June to August 2002)
Historian. Dr. Abramson is an Associate Professor and University Library Scholar of Judaica at Florida Atlantic University (Boca Raton). He received his Ph.D. in history ("Jews and Ukrainians in Revolutionary Times: Autonomy, Statehood and Civil War, 1917-1920") from the University of Toronto in1995. He has also taught at Cornell University, and at the University of Toronto, and is the author of three books, including, A Prayer for the Government: Jews and Ukrainians in Revolutionary Times, 1917-1920 (published by HURI and the Harvard Center for Jewish Studies in 1999), and many scholarly articles. His areas of interest include Jewish and Ukrainian history, modern Jewish history, and representations of Jews in art and caricature. While at HURI, Dr. Abramson compiled the first online bibliography on the Jews of Ukraine which will allow researchers to access information in a variety of disciplines and originating in multiple languages. His work on the bibliography will also form the basis of a monograph-length survey of Ukrainian-Jewish history.

Victoria Khiterer
(September to December, 2002)
Historian. Dr. Khiterer is a Lecturer at Stanford University. She received her Ph.D. in history ("Documents of Jewish History in Kyiv's Archives, 16thto 20th Centuries") from the Russian State University in Humanities, Moscow, in 1996. She has taught at Stanford University and at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and has written two monographs about Jewish documents in the archival and library collections of Ukraine (1999 and 2001), and numerous scholarly articles which focus on various aspects of Jewish history and culture in Ukraine and Eastern Europe. Her areas of interest are Jewish studies, and East European history. While at HURI, Dr. Khiterer will be working on a book about the history of Jews in Kyiv, from the late eighteenth century to 1917, and will present a seminar on the history of Jews in Kyiv and Ukraine.

Aleksander Kratochvil
(January to June, 2003)
Literary critic and philologist. Dr. Kratochvil is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Slavic Studies, Ernst-Moritz-Arndt University in Greifswald, Germany. He received his Ph.D. in Slavic studies, ethnology and East European history from the Albert Ludwigs University (Freiburg, Germany) in 1998. He has taught introduction to literary studies; translation studies, Czech literature since 1945, Ukrainian literature of the nineteenth century, modern Ukrainian literature, Ukrainian ethno- and sociolinguistics at the University of Freiburg, University of Plsen (Czech Republic), and at the University of Greifswald (Germany). He has published two books and a number of scholarly articles on Ukrainian language and literature. His areas of interest include Ukrainian and Czech literature of the twentieth century, and sociolinguistics. While at HURI, Dr. Kratochvil will address Ukrainian post-modernism as presented in works of literature by Yuri.Andrukhovych, Yuri Izdryk, Vasyl Kozhelianko, Bohda Zholdak, Oles Ulianenko) and compare them with parallel phenomena in the Czech Republic in works by Jachym.Topol, M. Urban, Michal Viewegh) as well as against a wider East and Central European context.

Guido Hausmann
(October 2002 to March 2003)
Historian. Dr. Hausmann is a Research Fellow at the University of Cologne, Germany, where he received his Ph.D. in Russian and East European history (University and Urban Society in Odessa, 1865-1917. Social and National Self-Organization at the Periphery of the Czarist Empire) in 1995. He has taught at the University of Bielefeld, and the University of Cologne and has written three books and a number of scholarly articles. His areas of interest include urban history, history of universities and sciences, history of nationalities, and historiography. While at HURI, Dr. Hausmann will be working on a historical and comparative study of the phenomenon of kraieznavstvo from the late nineteenth century to the 1970s. Kraieznavstvo will be analyzed in its three principal aspects: as a concept, as a social movement, and as a factor in Ukrainian nation-building during the 1920-s.

Pavlo Mykhed
(January to April, 2003)
Philologist and literary critic. Dr. Mykhed is an Associate Professor, and Chair of the Department of Foreign Literature, and Director of the Mykola Hohol Research Center, at the Hohol State Pedagogical University in Nizhyn, Ukraine, where he has taught since 1971. He received his Ph.D. in philology from the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in1981. He has published many articles on Ukrainian literature and language. His areas of interest include Ukrainian literature of the seventeenth and nineteenth centuries, Ukrainian-Russian literary and cultural contacts, and Ukrainian studies of Russia (ukrainska rusystyka). Dr. Mykhed's research at HURI will address the Ukrainian-Russian dialogue of the nineteenth century and the re-conceptualization of the field of Russian studies from a specifically Ukrainian perspective which will incorporate the paradigms and approaches adopted by scholars of the Ukrainian diaspora. He will also be compiling an anthology of American and British studies on Mykola Hohol.

Oksana Ostapchuk
(September to December, 2002)
Philologist and linguist. Dr. Ostapchuk is a Research Fellow at the Center for Ukrainian Studies at the Institute of Slavonic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and an Assistant Professor at Lomonosov Moscow State University where she received her Ph.D. in philology ("Title as a Special Kind of Proper Name") in 1998. She has taught Ukrainian grammar and language, and the history of Ukrainian at Moscow University and at the Academy of Slavonic Culture, Moscow. She has written a number of articles in comparative Slavic linguistics. Her areas of interest include social linguistics, language contacts, comparative language studies, dialectology, and history of literary language. While at HURI Dr. Ostapchuk will focus on the socio-linguistic situation in Right Bank Ukraine during the nineteenth century, in particular on the interaction between Ukrainian, Polish and Russian languages, and will study the typology of literary Ukrainian and Polish.

Maria Rewakowicz
(January to May, 2003)
Literary critic and poet. Dr. Rewakowicz is a Research Assistant Professor at Rutgers University. She received her Ph.D. in Slavic Languages and Literatures from the University of Toronto in 2001. She has taught Ukrainian language at the Harvard Ukrainian Summer Institute, University of Toronto, and Rutgers University. She has written four collections of poetry: Zelenyi dakh (The Green Roof), 1999, M'iake E (Soft E), 1992, Shepotinnia, shepotinnia (Whispering, Whispering), 1989, Z mishka mandrivnyka (From A Wanderer's Sack), 1987, and a number of articles on literature, and translated Polish poetry into Ukrainian and English. Her areas of interest include Ukrainian emigre literature, exilitic paradigms: East-Central European literary voices in the West, twentieth-century Ukrainian literature and literary theory. While at HURI Dr. Rewakowicz will be working on a book manuscript based on her Ph.D. dissertation entitled "The Phenomenon and Poetry of the New York Group: Discourses, Disguises and Liminality".

Andrew Savchenko
(January to April, 2003)
Sociologist and economist. Dr. Savchenko is a Visiting Scholar at the Thomas J. Watson, Jr. Institute for International Studies, Brown University (1998-2002), and holds a Ph.D. in sociology from Brown University ("Rationality, Nationalism and Post-Communist Market Transformation: a Comparative Analysis of Belarus, Poland, and the Baltic States",1998). He has taught at Brown University, Salve Regina University, University of Rhode Island, and College of the Holy Cross. He has published one book entitled Nationalism, Rationality, and Post-Communist Market Transformation (2000) and a number of articles on economic transformations of post-Soviet societies. His areas of interest include economic sociology, political economy, and post-Soviet, Eastern and Central European studies. While at HURI, Dr. Savchenko will be examining how the current political, economic, and cultural patterns in Belarus continue to be influenced by the history of conflicts with its neighbors and how, in turn, they are superimposed upon the indigenous process of nation-building.

Igor Torbakov
(September to December, 2002)
Historian. Dr. Torbakov is a consultant for the Open Society Institute, New York, NY. He received his Ph.D. in Russian and East European history from the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine ("Kyiv-Mohyla Academy and Russian Enlightenment in the Second Half of the Eighteenth Century"), in 1997. He has authored two books and a number of scholarly articles. His areas of interest include Russian and Ukrainian history, and, more specifically, problems of nationalism and nation-building in the Russian Empire and the USSR. While at HURI, Dr. Torbakov will focus on Eurasianism as a new post-revolutionary theory of nationalism, and on the interpretation of its main ideas in George Vernadsky's writings on Ukrainian history.

Roman Wysocki
(January to April, 2003)
Historian, Dr. Wysocki is an Assistant Professor at the Institute of History at Maria Curie-Sklodowska University in Lublin, Poland. He received his Ph.D. in history from the same university ("The Organization of the Ukrainian Nationalists in Poland, 1929-1939") in 1999. He has published a number of articles on Polish-Ukrainian relations between the two World Wars, and on Ukrainians and Belarusians in Poland. His areas of interest include Polish-Ukrainian history in the twentieth century, and Ukrainian emigrants in Poland. While at HURI, Dr. Wysocki will compare the emergence, crystallization, and evolution of nationalist ideologies of the two neighboring nations: the Ukrainians represented by Dmytro Dontsov and the Poles represented by Roman Dmowski.