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Fellows for Academic Year 2014-2015

Jacyk Distinguished Research Fellow for 2014-2015

Giorgio Ziffer

Giorgio Ziffer

University of Udine, Italy, Linguistics

Title of Research:

“The Sermon 'On Law and Grace' attributed to Metropolitan Hilarion: Towards a New Critical Edition”

More Information:

Giorgio Ziffer is Professor of Slavic Philology at the University of Udine (Italy). During his residency at HURI he will be working on “The Sermon “On Law and Grace” attributed to Metropolitan Hilarion: Towards a New Critical Edition.” Professor Ziffer said the following regarding his research Project: “The sermon ”On Law and Grace” is among the masterpieces of Kyivan Rus’ writings and of Church Slavonic literature in general. Although a plethora of studies appeared ever since the work was published in 1844 in the edition princeps prepared by A.V.Gorskij, no other critical edition has been undertaken since Gorskij’s early scholarly endeavor. The aim of the project is twofold. I first intend to determine the place of the sermon’s most famous textual witness, the Synodal manuscript (found at the Moscow State Historical Museum, within the manuscript tradition of the work…The second part of my research project concerns the contents and interpretation of the Sermon, which I intend to tackle taking into account the Biblical and patristic models on the one hand, and the Slavic parallels on the other hand…”