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Та посійся не словами,
А розумом, ниво!
Вийдуть люде жито жати...
Веселії жнива!..

—Тарас Шевченко

George G. Grabowicz

ЖНИВА: Essays Presented in Honor of George G. Grabowicz on His Seventieth Birthday has been published as volumes 32–33 of HURI's journal Harvard Ukrainian Studies. The two-volume set contains 49 essays in tribute to Grabowicz's distinguished contribution to the field of Ukrainian studies, and itself provides an exemplary overview of the state of the field at present. Fifty scholars from Ukraine, Poland, the Czech Republic, Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Belgium, Canada, and the United States examine a range of subjects that reflect Grabowicz' own interests: the contested legacy of Kyivan Rus´ (Goldblatt, Tolochko, Veder); the cultural intersections of the early modern period (Keenan, Flier, Frick, Brogi, Yakovenko, Zema, Siedina, Holod, Halenko, Kohut); the gradual but persistent articulation of a national discourse in the new imperial reality (Plokhy, Szporluk, Hundorova, Bilenky, Remy) culminating in the defining figure of Shevchenko (Koropeckyj, Moser, Dibrova); the vagaries of the long nineteenth century (Fedoruk, Kiebuzinski, Schmid, Koznarsky, Bohachevsky-Chomiak); twentieth-century modernism, ideology, scholarship (Andrukhovych, Sproede, Chernetsky, Hryn, Hnatiuk, Tarnawsky, Shkandrij, Pavlyshyn, Mihaychuk, Solovey, Stefanowska, O. Grabowicz, Bahry, Matviyenko, Zakharkin, Shapoval); and Ukraine's intellectual positioning in today's world (Delwaide, Magosci, Himka, Rusina, Kratochvil, Motyl, Sosnowska). A full bibliography and biographical sketch based on interviews with the honoree complete the collection. The Festschrift was edited by Grabowicz's former students and now colleagues Roman Koropeckyj, Maxim Tarnawsky and Taras Koznarsky. The editor of Harvard Ukrainian Studies is Halyna Hryn.

Professor George G. Grabowicz was born in war-torn Cracow in 1943 and came to the United States as a child in 1952. He completed his undergraduate studies at Yale University and received his PhD in comparative literature from Harvard University, where he has remained as the Dmytro Čyževs'kyj Professor of Ukrainian Literature. His seminal studies of the Ukrainian national poet Taras Shevchenko (The Poet as Mythmaker [1982], Shevchenko, iakoho ne znaiemo [2000]), of such archetypal phenomena as kotliarevchshyna and symbolic autobiography (of Mykola Khvyl´ovyi in particular), of Ukrainian-Polish and Ukrainian-Russian cultural symbioses, identity questions, modernism (esp. his revelatory treatment of Pavlo Tychyna)—all lodged in a firm grasp of the comparative framework of broad European culture—have fundamentally reshaped the landscape of Ukrainian literary studies and nurtured several generations of scholars, both in the West and in Ukraine. As a public intellectual his influence on the emergent post-Soviet Ukrainian discourse has been defining (he founded the publishing house and magazine Krytyka in 1997); he is the president of the Shevchenko Scientific Society in the U.S. (since 2012); and he has been a central presence at the Ukrainian Research Institute at Harvard since its inception, serving as its director from 1989 to 1996. As a tribute, this Festschrift honors his achievements and makes its own contribution to a field to which Grabowicz has dedicated his life's work.

ЖНИВА: Essays Presented in Honor of George G. Grabowicz on His Seventieth Birthday

Edited by Roman Koropeckyj, Maxim Tarnawsky, and Taras Koznarsky.

Special issue, Harvard Ukrainian Studies 32–33 (2011–2014)
2 volumes
ISSN: 0363–5570
Pages: 871 pp.
Price: $60
Publication date: December 2015

Table of contents

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