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HURI book shipmentHURI’s founding mission is to advance knowledge of Ukraine in the United States through high-quality teaching and research. Since Ukraine’s independence, HURI also aims to develop supportive and collaborative relations with Ukraine’s cultural and academic institutions.

As part of that effort, HURI has been donating copies of its publications to libraries and academic institutions in Ukraine every two or three years. This year, the Institute carried out such a project to deliver our publications to 34 libraries.

Altogether, over half a ton of books made their way to 34 institutions: 30 libraries across 13 cities in Ukraine and four libraries in Russia, prepared by Alla Karasova, HURI Publications and Library Assistant, and delivered by Meest.

Most of these institutions received eight of our most recent publications:

  • The Future of the Past: New Perspectives on Ukrainian History, edited by Serhii Plokhy
  • Peasants, Power, and Place: Revolution in the Villages of Kharkiv Province, 1914-1921, by Mark R. Baker
  • Ties of Kinship: Genealogy and Dynastic Marriage in Kyivan Rus’, by Christian Raffensperger
  • The World to Come: Ukrainian Images of the Last Judgment, by Liliya Berezhnaya and John-Paul Himka
  • After the Holodomor: The Enduring Impact of the Great Famine on Ukraine, edited by Andrea Graziosi, Lubomyr A. Hajda, and Halyna Hryn
  • The Hustynia Chronicle, by Oleksiy Tolochko
  • Harvard Ukrainian Studies vol. 30: “After the Holodomor,” edited by Andrea Graziosi, Lubomyr A. Hajda, and Halyna Hryn
  • Harvard Ukrainian Studies vol. 32-33: “ЖНИВА,” edited by Roman Koropeckyj, Taras Koznarsky, and Maxim Tarnawsky

In addition, duplicate copies of journals received through journal exchanges were included shipments to those institutions whose library collections would benefit from the addition of these journals. Two libraries, which had not previously received any HURI books, were also sent practically a full set of HURI’s journal Harvard Ukrainian Studies.

For several libraries, this project had a greater significance than simply adding our latest publications to their shelves. Biblioteka Gorlivsʹkoho instytutu inozemnykh mov (Library of Horlovka Institute of Foreign Languages, which is now in Bakhmut) and Naukova biblioteka Donets’koho natsional’noho universytetu im. Vasylia Stusa (Research Library of Vasylia Stusa Donetsk National University, which is now in Vinnytsia) recently had to relocate due to the military conflict in eastern Ukraine. Forced by circumstances to leave their collections behind in Donetsk oblast, these institutions started from scratch, with limited funding to rebuild their academic resources.

To help them regain their footing, HURI donated spare copies of older publications along with the newer publications and included additional books generously donated from the private collections of HURI colleagues. For example, Robert de Losa donated academic books in history, literature, philology, and other humanities and social sciences, as well as dictionaries.

While HURI was pleased to be able contribute to these libraries efforts to reestablish their collections. They are still in need of support. Donations from the larger HURI community would be most welcome. If you would like to make a donation, please contact:

Professor Halyna Dokashenko
(Kafedra vitchyznianoi ta zarubizhnoi istorii Gorlivsʹkoho instytutu inozemnykh mov)

Nataliia O. Kariagina
(Naukova biblioteka Donets’koho natsional’noho universytetu im. Vasylia Stusa)