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HUS 36 3 4 announceAdvance articles from the forthcoming issue of Harvard Ukrainian Studies (vol. 36, no. 3–4) are now available on the journal's website. The full contents are in the process of being posted to the site, and the print copy is expected to be out in early 2020. Digital subscribers have immediate access to these articles, as well as to the archive of HUS content that is already available on the site.


This issue of Harvard Ukrainian Studies features Ukrainian modernism in visual art and literature. Articles by Myroslava M. Mudrak, Heorhii Kovalenko, Jean-Claude Marcadé, Ol´ha Lahutenko, Vita Susak, and George G. Grabowicz cover a range of key moments in the history of Ukrainian modernism: episodes of symbolism in modern Ukrainian art that also touch upon the Black Sea or “Hylean” futurism championed by the Burliuk brothers; constructivism in Ukrainian theater design; artistic life in Kyiv at the turn of the twentieth century; the oeuvre of Vasyl´ Iermilov in the context of Ukrainian and European art; and a reading of Pavlo Tychyna's works through the lens of modernism. The articles are prefaced by an introduction by George G. Grabowicz and accompanied by numerous rare photographs and illustrations. This issue also includes a number of reviews of recent publications.