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Edited by Roman Koropeckyj, Taras Koznarsky, and Maxim Tarnawsky


Part One
  • Tabula Gratulatoria
  • Contributors
  • Foreword
    Roman Koropeckyj, Taras Koznarsky, and Maxim Tarnawsky
  • George G. Grabowicz: A Biographical Sketch
  • Bibliography of George G. Grabowicz
  • Між візуальністю та візійністю, або Світ по-бачений і світ перед-бачений: Про деякі особливості поетичної техніки Богдана-Ігоря Антонича
    Юрій Андрухович
  • Subversions in Dovzhenko’s Earth
    Romana M. Bahry
  • Inventing an Ancient City: How Literature, Ideology, and Archeology Refashioned Kyiv during the 1830s and 1840s
    Serhiy Bilenky
  • Conflict between Church and State in the Absence of Both
    Martha Bohachevsky-Chomiak
  • The Beginnings of Narrativity in Ukrainian Literature
    Giovanna Brogi
  • Mykola Khvyl'ovyi's “A Sentimental Story”: In Search of a Ukrainian Modernity
    Vitaly Chernetsky
  • Identity and Geopolitics: Ukraine’s Grappling with Imperial Legacies
    Jacobus Delwaide
  • Sharing a Code: The National Poet and His Readers
    Volodymyr Dibrova
  • До цензурної історії публікації Куліша “Один день из жизни запорожца Кирила Тура (Отрывок из романа ‘Черная рада’)”
    Олесь Федорук
  • The Rule of Nine: Ukrainian and Belarusian Orthographic Principles in Historical Perspective
    Michael S. Flier 
  • The Ruthenian Burgomaster and His Library: A Vilnius Inventory
    from 1648
    David Frick
  • Towards a New Compositional Design for the Slovo o Polku Igoreve
    Harvey Goldblatt
  • Dumy as Performance
    Oksana I. Grabowicz
  • How to Think about Difficult Things: Daniel Mendelsohn’s The Lost
    John-Paul Himka
  • „Dalej od Moskwy!”—o ukraińskiej dyskusji literackiej widzianej zza Zbrucza
    Ola Hnatiuk
  • The Harsh Landscapes of “Mother Sarmatia”: Steppe Ukraine through the Eyes of a Sixteenth-Century Polish Diplomat
    Renata Holod and Oleksander Halenko
  • Iohansen’s Journeys: Ukraine’s First Formalist Novel
    Halyna Hryn
  • Колоніяльність як перевдягання: “Mалоросійський маскарад” Івана Котляревського
    Тамара Гундорова
  • Who Was “Ivan Timofeev”?
    Edward L. Keenan
  • L’Ukrainien défendu: Censorship, Diplomacy, and Literary Questions in an Era of Franco-Russian Rapprochement
    Ksenya Kiebuzinski
  • Servant of the Tsar, Defender of Ukrainian Church Autonomy, and Promoter of the Kyivan Caves Monastery: The Political World of Inokentii Gizel´ (1650s–1670s)
    Zenon E. Kohut
Part Two
  • A Note on a Note in Taras Shevchenko’s Haidamaky
    Roman Koropeckyj
  • The Beilis Case and the Novelistic Imagination
    Taras Koznarsky
  • Postmodern History/Postmodern Stories
    Alexander Kratochvil
  • The New Latin as an Enhancement to Lesser-Used Languages
    Paul Robert Magocsi
  • Cinema for a Missing People: Gilles Deleuze’s Crystal Image and Alexander Dovzhenko’s Zvenyhora
    Svitlana Matviyenko
  • Art from Everyday Material: The Rhetorical Language of Honchar’s Sobor
    George Mihaychuk
  • Some Notes on Code-Switching in the Letters of Taras Shevchenko
    Michael A. Moser
  • Was Andy Warhol Ukrainian?
    Alexander J. Motyl
  • The Intellectuals, the People, and the Nation: Ol'ha Kobylians'ka's Apostol cherni
    Marko Pavlyshyn
  • Peter and Paul: The Apocryphal Speech of Pavlo Polubotok before Peter I
    Serhii Plokhy
  • Hryhorii Kvitka-Osnov'ianenko's Posthumous Problems with the Tsarist Authorities
    Johannes Remy
  • Difficult Journey: Literature, Literary Canons, and Identities in Post-Soviet Ukraine
    Maria G. Rewakowicz
  • Дo “неможливих джерел” вітчизняної історії: “Рукопис Войнича” в українському контексті
    Олена Русина
  • Ukrainian Wallenrodism: Treason in Mykola Kostomarov's Biography, Historiography, and Fiction
    Ulrich Schmid
  • Fatal Ambivalence: The GPU Case Dossier on Mykola Khvyl'ovyi
    Yuri Shapoval
  • Dokiia Humenna’s Representation of the Second World War in Her Novel and Diary
    Myroslav Shkandrij
  • School Poetry Devoted to Ioasaf Krokovs'kyi
    Giovanna Siedina
  • Iсторія про двох поетів
    Елеонора Соловей
  • Komparatystyka w Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej: Kilka problemów
    Danuta Sosnowska
  • Bohdan-Ihor Antonych and German Poetry: Notes on a Neglected Horizon of Expectation
    Alfred Sproede
  • Ukraińska planeta kosmopolity
    Lidia Stefanowska
  • Publish or Perish: Texts and Peoples
    Roman Szporluk
  • As Feminine as Granite: Nationalist Women Writers of the Interwar Diaspora
    Maxim Tarnawsky
  • On One Possible Source of the Slovo o polku Igoreve
    Oleksiy Tolochko
  • AMIN': A Note on the Acquisition of Literacy in Kyivan Rus´
    William R. Veder
  • “Битва за душі”: Kонкуренція богородичних чуд між уніятами та православними у 17 ст. (від Теодозія Боровика до Йоаникія Ґалятовського)
    Наталя Яковенко
  • Автобіографічне зібрання Миколи Плевака: Iсторія, склад, наукове значення
    Степан Захаркін
  • Edificatory Prose of the Kyivan Metropolitanate: Between the Union of Florence and the Union of Brest
    Valerii Zema