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Tabula Gratulatoria


Preface by Harvey Goldblatt and Nancy Shields Kollmann

ALAN TIMBERLAKE, Michael Flier’s Contribution to Slavic Linguistics

DANIEL ROWLAND, Studying the Art of Arrangement: Michael Flier as an Interpreter of Culture

Bibliography of Michael S. Flier


RONELLE ALEXANDER, Serbo-Croatian Dialectology Revisited

HENNING ANDERSEN, Some Thoughts on the History of Russian Numeral Syntax

CHRISTINA Y. BETHIN, From Pitch Accent to Stress: Peak Retraction in the Nadsnovs´ki Dialects of Belarus and Ukraine

JAN IVAR BJØRNFLATEN, Diffusion and Chronology of the Earliest Slavic Loanwords in Balto-Finnic

JOHN DINGLEY, On the Origin of Czech Rakousko, Slovak Rakúsko

VICTOR A. FRIEDMAN, Determination and Doubling in Balkan Borderlands

BORIS GASPAROV, Suržyk from a Personal Perspective

HARVEY GOLDBLATT and RICCARDO PICCHIO, Old Approaches and New Perspectives: Once Again on the Religious Significance of the Slovo o polku Igoreve

DANIELA S. HRISTOVA, The Neoreichenbachian Model of Tense Syntax and the Rusian Active Participles

VYACHESLAV V. IVANOV, The Change *(-)tl-, *(-)dl- > (-)kl-, (-)gl- in the Circum-Baltic Linguistic Zone

LAURA A. JANDA, Totally Normal Chaos: The Aspectual Behavior of Russian Motion Verbs

JAY H. JASANOFF, The Origin of the Latin Gerund and Gerundive: A New Proposal

EMILY KLENIN, The Vocabulary of Old Age in Afanasij Fet’s poem “Polurazrušennyj, polužilets mogily”

CLAIRE LE FEUVRE, Cases of Hardening of Liquids in Old Novgorodian and the Scandinavian Superstratum

INGUNN LUNDE, When the Devil Quotes the Psalms: On the Function of Reported Speech in the Tale of Boris and Gleb

OMELJAN PRITSAK, The Turkic Etymology of the Word Qazaq ‘Cossack’

KYLIE RICHARDSON, Case and Aspect in Ukrainian Depictive Secondary Predicates

ROBERT A. ROTHSTEIN, Where There’s a Will, or From Spirit to Spirits

OLGA B. STRAKHOV, Epifanij Slavynec´kyj’s Greek-Slavic-Latin Lexicon: The History, Contents, and Principles of Its Greek Composition (Preliminary Remarks)

MOSHE TAUBE, A Long(-Forgotten) Passive Construction in Old Rusian

FRANCIS J. THOMSON, A Contribution to the Textology of the Symeonic Florilegium Together with the Editio Princeps of the Part of Anastasian Question XX Missing in the Codex of 1073

ALAN TIMBERLAKE, The Recovery Narrative of Gleb

WILLIAM R. VEDER, Soup: A Little Variation

DEAN S. WORTH, Some Structures of the Dative Absolute

VIKTOR ZHIVOV, The Igor' Tale from the Perspective of Cultural History


А. Л. БАТАЛОВ, Ренессансная креативность в русской архитектуре – интерпретация последствий

MARIANNA D. BIRNBAUM, Renaissance Orientalism

JOSTEIN BØRTNES, Following the Metonymic Way: The Life and Pilgrimage of Daniil, Igumen of the Russian Land

PAUL BUSHKOVITCH, A Kyivan Trebnik among Moscow Musketeers

JAMES CRACRAFT, Russia Discovers America

GIORGIO G. DIMAURO, The Church and the Cult of Imperial Humility: Icons and Enactment of the Muscovite Furnace Ritual

DAVID GOLDFRANK, The Literary Nil Sorskii

GEORGE G. GRABOWICZ, The Shevchenko Reception: The Case of Malaniuk


RICHARD HELLIE, Did Russians Ever Hope for Non-Autocratic Rule?

JOHN-PAUL HIMKA, The Basic Historical Identity Formations in Ukraine: A Typology

NORMAN W. INGHAM, Structure as Meaning in the First Slavonic Life of St. Wenceslas

DANIEL H. KAISER, Gender, Property and Testamentary Behavior: Eighteenth-Century Moscow Wills

EDWARD L. KEENAN, How Ivan Became "Terrible"

VALERIE A. KIVELSON, Angels in Tobolsk: Celestial Topography and Visionary Administration in Late Muscovite Siberia

NANCY SHIELDS KOLLMANN, Marking the Body in Early Modern Judicial Punishment

DONALD OSTROWSKI, The Account of Volodimir's Conversion in the Povest' vremennykh let: A Chiasmus of Stories

MAUREEN PERRIE, Fugitive Tsars and Ukrainian Cossacks: the Development of a Seventeenth-Century Stereotype

SERHII PLOKHII, (Mis)understanding the Cossack Icon

Э. С. СМИРНОВА, Тема киевского наследия в русском искусстве XIV–первой половины XV в.

ROMAN SZPORLUK, Lenin, "Great Russia," and Ukraine

ISOLDE THYRÊT, The Queen of Heaven and the Pious Maiden Ruler: Mariological Imagery in the Iconographic Program of Sofiia Alekseevna's Prayer Room

Б. А. УСПЕНСКИЙ, Метемпсихоз у восточных славян

RICHARD WORTMAN, The Invention of Tradition and the Representation of Russian Monarchy



  • Michael S. Flier, Ukrainian Philology and Linguistics in the Twenty-First Century
  • Giorgio Ziffer, The Shadow and the Truth: On the Textual Tradition of the Sermon on Law and Grace Attributed to Metropolitan Hilarion
  • Oleksiy Tolochko, On “Nestor the Chronicler”
  • Olenka Z. Pevny, Dethroning the Prince: Princely Benefaction and Female Patronage in Medieval Kyiv
  • Michael A. Moser, Five Newly Discovered Galician Ukrainian Charters and Their Language
  • Boris M. Kloss, Copies of the Hypatian Chronicle and Their Textology
  • Harvey Goldblatt, The Ukrainian Language in the Context of the Study of Sacred and Vulgar Tongues in Orthodox Slavdom
  • Gary Marker, Love One’s Enemies: Ioasaf Krokovs´kyi’s Advice to Peter in 1702
  • Andrii Danylenko, “With a dispatch of seven cucumbers fresh…”: Mykola Xanenko as a Case Study of Linguistic Mentality in the Eighteenth-Century Hetmanate
  • Juliane Besters-Dilger, The Ukrainian Language in Education and Mass Media
  • Volodymyr Kulyk, The Demography of Language Practices and Attitudes in Ukraine
  • Ekaterina Romanova, Oksana Zhironkina, and Nikolai Vakhtin, Suržyk: In Search of a Research Object
  • Elena Stadnik-Holzer, Epistolary Suržyk: A Contribution to the Study of a Ukrainian Substandard
  • Curt Woolhiser, Communities of Practice and Linguistic Divergence: Belarusophone Students as Agents of Linguistic Change
  • Siarhiej Zaprudski, Subjective Ethnolinguistic Vitality and Identity: Some Belarusian-Ukrainian Comparisons


Reviews: Linguistics and Philology


Review Essay

  • Andrii Danylenko, The Ukrainian Language in Documents and in Reality



  • Volodymyr Kulyk, Dyskurs ukraïns´kykh medii: Identychnosti, ideolohiï, vladni stosunky (Niklas Bernsand)
  • O. A. Styshov, Ukraïns´ka leksyka kintsia XX stolittia (Na materiali movy zasobiv masovoï informatsiï); Liubov Struhanets´, Dynamika leksychnykh norm ukraïns´koï literaturnoï movy XX stolittia; Danuta Mazuryk, Nove v ukraïns´kii leksytsi: Slovnyk-dovidnyk (Valerii Polkovsky)
  • Laada Bilaniuk, Contested Tongues: Language Politics and Cultural Correction in Ukraine (Lesya Stavytska)
  • Paul Robert Magocsi, Rusyn´skyi iazyk (Michael A. Moser)
  • Simon Franklin, Writing, Society and Culture in Early Rus, c. 950–1300 (Daniela S. Hristova)
  • Claire Le Feuvre, Le vieux slave (Michael S. Flier)


Reviews: General Topics


Review Essay

  • Roman Syrota, “With a Strong Peace in View”: The Geopolitics of Eastern European Revolutions, 1918–1921, Reconsidered



  • David Frick, Wilnianie: Żywoty siedemnastowieczne (Magda Teter)
  • Jaroslav Miller, Urban Societies in East-Central Europe: 1500–1700 (Myron Kapral)
  • Volodymyr Kovalenko, ed., Baturyns´ka starovyna: Zbirnyk naukovykh prats´, prysviachenyi 300-littiu Baturyns´koï trahediï (Oksana Mykhed)
  • Paulina Lewin, Ukrainian Drama and Theater in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries (David Frick)
  • Giovanna Siedina, ed., Mazepa e il suo tempo: Storia, cultura, società / Mazepa and His Time: History, Culture, Society (Andrii Bovgyria)
  • Ol´ha Kovalevs´ka, comp., Mazepiana: Materialy do bibliohrafiï (1688–2009) (Oksana Mykhed)
  • Roman Koropeckyj, Adam Mickiewicz: The Life of a Romantic (Justyna Beinek)
  • Edyta M. Bojanowska, Nikolai Gogol: Between Ukrainian and Russian Nationalism (Roman Koropeckyj)
  • Rainer Lindner, Unternehmer und Stadt in der Ukraine, 1860–1914: Industrialisierung und soziale Kommunikation im südlichen Zarenreich (Margarita M. Balmaceda)
  • Markian Prokopovych, Habsburg Lemberg: Architecture, Public Space, and Politics in the Galician Capital, 1772–1914 (Larry Wolff)
  • Hans-Christian Maner, Galizien: Eine Grenzregion im Kalkül der Donaumonarchie im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert (Iryna Vushko)
  • Kate Brown, A Biography of No Place: From Ethnic Borderland to Soviet Heartland (Serhiy Bilenky)
  • Yohanan Petrovsky-Shtern, The Anti-Imperial Choice: The Making of the Ukrainian Jew (Vitaly Chernetsky)
  • Ray Brandon and Wendy Lower, The Shoah in Ukraine: History, Testimony, Memorialization; Johan Dietsch, Making Sense of Suffering: Holocaust and Holodomor in Ukrainian Historical Culture (Baruch Pelta)
  • Hiroaki Kuromiya, The Voices of the Dead: Stalin’s Great Terror in the 1930s (Serhy Yekelchyk)
  • Kevin M. F. Platt and David Brandenberger, eds., Epic Revisionism: Russian History and Literature as Stalinist Propaganda (Vitaly Chernetsky)
  • Katrin Boeckh, Stalinismus in der Ukraine: Die Rekonstruktion des sowjetischen Systems nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg (Tarik Cyril Amar)
  • Nikita Khrushchev, Memoirs of Nikita Khrushchev, vol. 2, Reformer (1945–1964) (Hiroaki Kuromiya)
  • Paul D’Anieri, Understanding Ukrainian Politics: Power, Politics, and Institutional Design (Volodymyr Kulyk)
  • Paul Robert Magocsi, Ukraine: An Illustrated History; Serhy Yekelchyk, Ukraine: Birth of a Modern Nation; Paul Kubicek, The History of Ukraine (Serhiy Bilenky)
  • Manoly R. Lupul, The Politics of Multiculturalism: A Ukrainian-Canadian Memoir (Paul Thomas Rabchenuk)
  • Tamara Hundorova, Kitch i literatura: Travestiï (Marko Pavlyshyn)
  • Ihor Kostets´kyi, Tobi nalezhyt´ tsilyi svit: Vybrani tvory, ed. Marko Robert Stech (Olena Haleta)
  • Yuri Andrukhovych, The Moscoviad, trans. Vitaly Chernetsky (Inna Mattei)
  • James D. Tracy and Marguerite Ragnow, eds., Religion and the Early Modern State: Views from China, Russia, and the West (Valerii Zema)
  • John-Paul Himka and Andriy Zayarnyuk, eds., Letters from Heaven: Popular Religion in Russia and Ukraine (Andrew Sorokowski)
  • John-Paul Himka, Last Judgment Iconography in the Carpathians (Iryna Vushko)